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Was a pleasure to walk the red carpet down to the aisle to be the Judge for World Madam 2023.

It takes confidence, to take part in a Pageant contest, irregardless of any genres. I respect each and every contestant, to be able to further doll them up with confidence, is a Must.

Without my Team X, this would not be achievable.

Thank you all!

It is my utmost honour to be able to groom 苏永康 once again after a good 15 years!

From an amateur Makeup Artist shivering to see Celebrities to a confident person, this experience is totally different.

Had the opportunity to groom him when i was 20, it was a good 1 month of daily makeup and hair for the rehearsal of the play.

To see Artists like …. doing their best in terms of their profession every single day made me learn to respect them and to further improve my craft as a mua.

Learnt the differences of makeup styles of stage.

⁃ lighting

⁃ Audience

⁃ Communicating with the team

Further coming to 2022:

His concert @ Genting

Felt way more relaxed and confident on a one to one personal makeup session with him.

Thoughts: Never give up in your passion, your passion will grow with fire in time to come, if you work hard enough!

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